By Elizabeth Flock The Supreme Court ruled Monday that a jury, not a judge, should have the final...
If you’ve been tuning into 1190 AM’s Ask the Expert on Saturday mornings, you may have heard...
If you’ve been subpoenaed to a grand jury as a business representative your role is a little bit...
Attorney James Whalen was recently featured in a local news piece as he represented a local...
If you think you’re facing a white collar crime, and white collar crimes are generally those...
If you think you’re about to be charged with a crime the one thing that you should do is...
As an experienced and established defense lawyer, James P. Whalen is featured as a knowledgeable...
If law enforcement officials ask to search my home or office, do I have to let them? If law...
An indictment is a formal accusation charging you with a crime. Just because you’ve been arrested...